I’ve struggled to put a post together this week, in fact I’ve struggled to do much at all. Are we all getting burnout? This afternoon I went on a wake-up walk around the village.

There is a new shop opened, ‘Bowland Organics’, the clue is in the name. It is getting good reviews for the freshness of its vegetables and other local produce. Most days the artisan bread is sold out within hours, as it should be. It is closed by the time I walk by, so you will have to wait for my opinion.

Just up the road, Berry Lane, I see that one of the slate poems has been smashed, not simply broken but obviously vandalised into many pieces. I’ve been commenting on and photographing these poems since they started appearing almost a year ago. See here, there and everywhere. All were chosen to give hope and enlightenment in our troubled times, and I’ve found inspiration from them in my local wanderings. I’m sad at the sight but then notice that against the tree another poem has appeared, this time by Emily Dickinson.

As it was.

Broken pieces.

The new slate.

My last post had a heading photo of nearby Hope Lane so lets all hope for the better.

18 thoughts on “BROKEN SLATES.

  1. Eunice

    Such a shame about the smashed slate – it makes me feel so sad and angry that some people can do pointless things like this. I like the new one though, it’s a lovely poem 🙂

  2. cargogirl

    It is the most wonderful thing, when artists can be just artists. To spread joy, wonderment and inspiration, not just for money to come, but for those to go out in the world.

  3. Michael Graeme

    I’ve struggled to motivate myself this week too. It may just be the weather. Hopefully things will pick up as the days warm into spring. I can’t imagine the mindset of anyone who, coming upon a piece of poetry out in the countryside would think – oh, I must smash that into bits. Glad to see the slate lady is a defiant soul and not to be put off by Philistines.


    I just can’t imagine what is actually going on in the mind of people like that. I reckon perhaps they are rebelling against something that smacks of people more educated than them making them feel inadequate. I have just got back from a four miler after completing the census this morning. I found two quite long footpaths not previously walked and one I had only used once before.

    1. bowlandclimber

      Longridge folk. the genuine ones, are upset about the slate. They had become a feature to proud of. Amazingly most have lasted from last year. We are supposed to have CCTV in the main street, I suspect it is turned off most of the time.
      Did my Census and have just done my regular 6mile “around Longridge” walk.

  5. Slate writer

    I’m formidable!😂
    I enjoy doing them ,people enjoy reading them ( mostly), so it doesn’t matter!

  6. Martin Banfield

    Good to know the slate writer is ‘Formidable’. Sad that a small minority just don’t get it at all – perhaps there’s a ‘mental health’ element.

    1. bowlandclimber

      No, the lady is a delight and very environmentally orientated.
      I’m sure it was just village louts bored with life but showing no respect for anybody or anything.
      Two opposing elements of our society I’m afraid.


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