I’m back again, this time on my cycle. There is a place I want to visit in Lytham, the historic mussel tanks, which were highlighted by shazza in a recent post. I knew nothing of them before. To make a day of it, I decided to park at Fleetwood and cycle down to Lytham and back along the promenades. Parking is easy in Fleetwood and the wind was coming from the south, so I would have it behind me on the return leg. Things didn’t go to plan.

I’ve not been on my bike for weeks due to problems too personal to mention.

I pedalled out of Fleetwood and immediately found the headwind stronger than I was expecting.  Never mind, head down and push harder.

The tide was going out and in these northern reaches I virtually had the promenade to myself. I’ve ridden this stretch several times, so I didn’t stop for photography, I only had my phone. (I have included a couple of the concrete murals at Cleveleys) One has to keep one’s wits about one as there are several layers of promenade and the drop-offs are not always obvious. Dog walkers are the major hazard with those long leads, but I share the space happily and patiently. Blackpool Tower came into view halfway to Lytham. The prom became busier with out-of-season visitors, although Blackpool looks even seedier in the winter months, when many businesses are boarded up. The fun starts at Easter.

Onwards past the Golden Mile and the Pleasure Beach’s empty rides. I cycled around the end of the tram terminus and found the way was discontinued. I was looking for a way through when I came into conversation with a lady resting on a bench. She warned me that the route into St. Annes was under major roadworks and the cycle way was closed. I could have found a way along the road, but she insisted it was unpleasant with heavy traffic. I didn’t need much persuading to turn around and have the wind behind me for a while.

What a difference, instead of struggling along trying to keep up 10mph, I was flying along effortlessly at 15+ mph. Maybe that was my downfall. As I approached South Pier, a large workers’ van was parked across the prom and as I swerved around it, I met at speed another cyclist swerving towards me. Next thing, I was over the handlebars, feeling shaken and a little foolish. His front wheel took the brunt of the collision and looked worse for wear. Introductions over, we sorted his bike, a ‘racing machine’ which was no match for my  ‘mountain bike’. All was well as we chatted about common causes, and then we pedalled off in opposite directions. Not the meeting I wanted.

I was soon back into Fleetwood and was glad to stop off at Dave’s Café  for toasted teacake and coffee. Then I was loading my bike back into the car for the return journey home. Mission unaccomplished, but a welcome diversion in the sunshine from all our present  problems.

9 thoughts on “THE FYLDE AGAIN.

  1. Michael Graeme

    You did well there. My boys still talk about the one occasion I took them to Blackpool for the afternoon, and that must be ten years ago. I would write about that adventure, but I know the town’s struggling, and wouldn’t want to frighten any potential visitors away. I shall look out for those mussel tanks – they were also news to me. Glad your collision wasn’t too serious.

  2. John Bainbridge

    I remember Blackpool so well from childhood holidays fifty years ago. We were sad to see how it looked a couple of years ago. It deserves better. Glad you avoided injury on your bike.

    1. bowlandclimber Post author

      Thanks, only a few bruises.
      The majority of the promenade from Fleetwood to Lytham is excellent. I suppose that, containing most of the tat into the middle two miles is the best solution.
      Plenty of people use this coast for winter walking, using the tram for link-ups.

  3. Pingback: EASTER PARADE. | bowlandclimber

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